New Delhi: The trailer of Bollywood veteran Sanjay Mishra and Neena Gupta starrer upcoming thriller Vadh has been released. In which the never seen before avatars of Sanjay Mishra and Neena Gupta are surprising everyone. The trailer of Vadh promises to be a thrilling thriller. This film brings together two talented veteran actors of India for the first time in a very engaging story.
Let me tell you, this trailer of 2 minutes 41 seconds kept us completely hooked. Let me tell you, we have seen Sanjay Mishra playing many roles in his career, this is the first time we will see him in such a character on the screens. In the trailer, Sanjay Mishra and Neena Gupta have kept us hooked, leaving the audience in awe. Now after watching the trailer, the excitement of the audience has increased even more. While there is a lot of innocence in the characters of Sanjay and Neena, the dark side of their personalities is leaving everyone wondering.
Watch Vadh trailer here
Talking about Vadh, Sanjay Mishra said, “As an actor, I had never imagined a character like this, that too with Neena ji. I am looking forward to see how the audience reacts to the film.”
Neena Gupta further added, “Vadh is a very interesting thriller story and I had a great time shooting for this film. The story is much more than what it looks like and the audience will thoroughly enjoy watching the trailer as well as the film itself.”
Written and directed by Rajiv Baranwal and Jaspal Singh Sandhu, the film will hit the theatres on December 9.
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