In the aftermath of the derogatory remarks against Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Maldivian Parliamentary Minority leader, Ali Azim on Tuesday called for steps to remove President Mohamed Muizzu, including a vote of no confidence.
We, d Democrats, r dedicated to upholding d stability of the nation's foreign policy n preventing d isolation of any neighboring country.
R u willing to take all necessary steps to remove prez @MMuizzu from power? Is @MDPSecretariat prepared to initiate a vote of no confidence?— 𝐀𝐥𝐢 𝐀𝐳𝐢𝐦 (@aliaazim) January 8, 2024
Read More: Know The Person Behind India-Maldives Discord; Here’s How It All Started
Tensions between India and Maldives surged following objectionable tweets by three Maldivian ministers directed at India and PM Modi. The catalyst for this controversy emerged from a tweet by political commentator Roshan Sinha, known as Mr. Sinha, post-PM Modi’s visit to Lakshadweep in early January.
Read More: Maldives MP Urges Parliament To Summon FM For Inaction Over Remarks On PM Modi
India-Maldives Row – Sparking the Conflict
The escalation began when Mr. Sinha’s tweet, praising PM Modi’s Lakshadweep visit, attracted disdain from Maldivian ministers. Their objectionable comments triggered a diplomatic standoff between the two nations.
India’s Summons to Maldivian High Commissioner
India’s strategic move amidst mounting tensions involved summoning the Maldivian High Commissioner. This action was undertaken during the Maldives President’s visit to China, signaling India’s strong stance in the midst of strained relations
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In response to derogatory remarks targeting Indian PM Modi by senior Maldivian officials, Mickail Naseem, an MP in Maldives, has vehemently called for parliamentary intervention. He has condemned the government’s inertia and emphasized the need for swift accountability, particularly from the foreign minister.
Urgent Summoning Request
Naseem formally appealed to the parliamentary committee to summon the foreign minister for questioning, highlighting the lack of urgency exhibited by the Maldives government. Additionally, he pressed for the summoning of implicated officials responsible for the offensive comments, emphasizing the necessity for answers and responsibility amidst the brewing controversy.