Tensions escalate between India and Maldives due to objectionable tweets from three Maldivian ministers aimed at India and PM Modi. The controversy stemmed from a tweet by political commentator Roshan Sinha, also known as Mr. Sinha, following PM Modi’s visit to Lakshadweep in early January.
Sparking the Fire
Praise Provoking Outrage
Sinha’s tweet lauded India’s move, terming it a blow to the alleged Chinese influence in Maldives and predicting a tourism boost for Lakshadweep. This commendation infuriated Maldives’ Deputy Minister of Youth Empowerment, Information, and Arts, Mariam Shiuna. Her response included objectionable comments on PM Modi, resulting in her suspension alongside two other ruling party leaders in Maldives.
What a great move! It's a big setback to the new Chinese puppet gvt of Maldives.
Also, it will boost tourism in #Lakshadweep 🔥 pic.twitter.com/gsUX9KrNSB
— Mr Sinha (Modi's family) (@MrSinha_) January 4, 2024
Clarifying Intentions
Denouncing Maldives’ Government, Not the Nation
Sinha clarified that his criticism was directed at Maldives’ new pro-China government and not the country itself. Despite the controversy’s escalation, he condemned the objectionable language used against PM Modi by Maldivian officials.
Read More: Maldives MP Urges Parliament To Summon FM For Inaction Over Remarks On PM Modi
Diplomatic Ripples
High Commissioner Summoned
In response to heightened tensions, India summoned the Maldivian High Commissioner to convey a strong message amidst the Maldives President’s visit to China. Sinha highlighted this act as a significant diplomatic signal amid the strained relations.
Threats Amidst Controversy
Targeted with Threats
Hailing from Bihar and currently involved in business in Gujarat, Mr. Sinha frequently shares opinions on Indian politics, geopolitics, and foreign policy. However, since the Maldives-related controversy, he reported receiving death threats via his social media accounts. Several of his previous accounts have also been suspended amidst the ongoing tensions.
Read More: Chinese Researcher Successfully Creates Real-Life Invisibility ‘Cloak’ Inspired By Harry Potter
Israel Launches Desalination Project to Boost Lakshadweep Tourism
In a bid to elevate tourism prospects in Lakshadweep, Israel has announced the launch of a desalination project. This endeavor comes as a ray of hope for the Indian archipelago’s tourism industry amidst ongoing controversies linked to the Maldives.
Through a social media announcement on X, the Israeli embassy confirmed its preparedness to kick off the desalination initiative in Lakshadweep. They revealed, “We were in #Lakshadweep last year, responding to the federal government’s request to start the desalination project.” Accompanied by visuals showcasing the region’s unspoiled beaches, the embassy invited travelers to delve into the captivating underwater wonders of #lakshadweepislands.
We were in #Lakshadweep last year upon the federal government's request to initiate the desalination program.
Israel is ready to commence working on this project tomorrow.
For those who are yet to witness the pristine and majestic underwater beauty of #lakshadweepislands, here… pic.twitter.com/bmfDWdFMEq
— Israel in India (@IsraelinIndia) January 8, 2024
Through these images, the embassy sought to entice those yet to discover the serene and enchanting beaches of Lakshadweep, promising a mesmerizing underwater experience.