An auto driver in Bengaluru engaged in a heartwarming conversation with a resident about his daughter’s educational aspirations. The resident, Ar Namrata S Rao, recounted the delightful exchange on social media, dubbing it a “charming Bengaluru encounter”.
Cute #Bengaluru moment. While I started asking ‘Tumba seke alla?’, he replied ‘Oh kannada baratta’ to then discussing about CET, NEET & other entrance exam that his daughter could attempt who is now in Class 11. I asked if he discusses on these with others too. He replied…
— Ar. Namrata S Rao (@NamrataSRao) April 29, 2024
According to Rao’s recollection, the interaction kicked off with the familiar inquiry, “Tumba seke alla?” (Isn’t it very hot outside?), to which the auto driver responded with equal fervor, “Oh Kannada baratta” (Oh, you speak Kannada too).
This initial exchange served as a catalyst for a more profound discussion, delving into topics such as entrance exams like CET and NEET, especially concerning the auto driver’s daughter, who is currently in Class 11.
When questioned about whether he frequently initiates such conversations with passengers, the driver’s response was poignant. “Illa (No) madam,” he replied, “we understand people, we get vibes too. I could feel you were a genuine person to ask about this, that’s why.”