The legendary duo of Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma is on the verge of creating history in Indian cricket, standing just 11 matches away from becoming the most capped pair in India’s international cricket history. Currently, at 381 matches together, they’re closing in on the record held by the iconic combination of Sachin Tendulkar and Rahul Dravid, who played 391 matches together.
Their journey reflects the evolution of Indian cricket, as they prepare to surpass combinations that defined different eras. The Tendulkar-Dravid partnership, which tops the list, symbolized India’s batting excellence in the late 90s and early 2000s. Similarly, the Dravid-Ganguly (369 matches) and Tendulkar-Kumble (367 matches) partnerships represented crucial phases in Indian cricket history.
Kohli and Rohit’s partnership has already surpassed several legendary pairs, including the Tendulkar-Ganguly combination (341 matches) and the Tendulkar-Azhar duo (292 matches). Their recent rise above Kohli’s partnership with MS Dhoni (285 matches) highlights their longevity and consistency.
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This impending record is particularly significant as it represents a partnership that has been central to India’s success across formats in the modern era, combining Kohli’s aggressive batting with Rohit’s tactical leadership.