Masahiro Nakai, one of Japan’s most prominent boy band stars and a celebrated television host, has announced his retirement following allegations of sexual misconduct. The 52-year-old J-Pop icon, known for being a member of the legendary boy band SMAP, faces severe backlash as the allegations have triggered widespread consequences in Japan’s entertainment industry.
Allegations And Financial Settlement
A woman accused Nakai of committing a ‘sexual act against her will’ during a private meeting arranged in 2023. Reports suggest that a Fuji Television executive facilitated the meeting. While the network denied the claims, the allegations shook the industry. Media reports further revealed that Nakai made a significant financial settlement, paying the alleged victim 90 million yen (approximately Rs. 5 crore).
The controversy has led to major brands distancing themselves from Nakai. Prominent companies like Toyota, McDonald’s, and Seven & i Holdings (owners of the 7-Eleven convenience chain) pulled their advertisements from Fuji Television, where Nakai worked. Over 20 brands have withdrawn their commercials, further isolating the star.
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Fuji Television, which aired Nakai’s weekly show, suspended the program earlier this month. The network also faced significant fallout, with its president, Koichi Minato, holding a press conference but refusing to discuss details of the allegations. Fuji Media’s shares plummeted by over 15% as the controversy unfolded.
Nakai’s Official Statement
In his retirement announcement, Nakai stated he had completed discussions with all associated parties, including TV stations, radio broadcasters, and sponsors, regarding the termination of his contracts. “I have completed all discussions regarding my termination, cancellation, removal, and contract annulment,” Nakai said, as quoted by the Mainichi newspaper.
Once a celebrated figure in Japan’s entertainment industry, Nakai’s retirement marks a significant fall from grace. With brands and networks severing ties, the allegations have cast a shadow over his illustrious career, leaving fans and the industry reeling.
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