As per the latest Bigg Boss 18 promo, all the contestants’ family members will enter the house one by one to meet their loved ones. During this, Shilpa Shirodkar’s daughter, Vivian’s wife Nooran Ali, and the mothers of Chaahat Pandey, Avinash, and Eisha entered the house.
During her visit, Chaahat Pandey’s mother not only met her daughter but also gave a stern talking-to to Avinash and Rajat. Despite Chaahat trying to stop her, her mother attacked Rajat and Avinash.
Watch The Promo:
Family Week Promo: Chahat’s mummy ji questions Avinash Mishra and Rajat Dalal
---Advertisement---— #BiggBoss_Tak👁 (@BiggBoss_Tak) January 1, 2025
Accusations Against Rajat Dalal
Chaahat Pandey’s mother accused Rajat Dalal of using her daughter and discarding her. Chaahat and Rajat have had a fluctuating bond throughout the show, at times appearing as friends and other times standing against each other. When Chaahat’s mother entered the house, she told Rajat that he had never genuinely been friends with her daughter. She accused him of using and discarding people, stating that he had treated Chaahat in the same way during the game.
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Avinash Mishra Called ‘LadkiBaaz’!
Chaahat’s mother didn’t hold back when it came to Avinash either. She told him, “Our family will never forgive you because of the things you said about my daughter and the questions you raised about her character.” She added that she had always asked Chaahat why things weren’t okay between her and Avinash. Chaahat had reportedly told her that Avinash was a ‘ladki baaz’ (womanizer). Avinash responded, asking if Chaahat had told her everything.
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Apart from Chaahat, Eisha Singh’s mother Rekha also met her daughter inside the house. This moment was quite emotional, with the other housemates also moved as they witnessed the heartfelt reunion between Eisha and her mother.