New Delhi: Recently, a major road accident took place on the Pune-Bengaluru highway, in which 48 vehicles crashed simultaneously. In which many people were seriously injured. Such road accidents are often heard. This should never happen to you, so we are going to tell you some tips for driving on the highway.
Control the speed
It is often seen that people increase the speed of their vehicle a lot as soon as they go on the highway. Due to which it becomes very difficult for them to control the speed in emergency, due to which such horrific accidents keep happening.
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What to do
While driving on the highway, you should always drive your vehicle in one lane only and if ever there is a need to change the lane, you must use the indicator. Also pay attention to the vehicles around you. Along with this, your vehicle should also be kept away from other vehicles, so that there is no collision when braking.
Keep your mind calm
Never think too much while driving on the highway and always keep your mind calm and focus only on driving.
Use beamlight correctly
High beam lights should always be used in the car while driving on the highway. Which helps you to see clearly from far away. Because the vehicles coming from the other side of the highway are moving on the other side of the divider, due to which they do not face any problem.
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