India’s Golden boy, Neeraj Chopra, recently married Himani Mor of Sonipat, Haryana, in a ‘Family Only’ style, with only family members and relatives present. Due to some time limitations concerning Neeraj Chopra’s training, it was a very short-notice event. Since Himani is pursuing her studies as well as working in the USA itself, they had just 14-16 days to complete all the rituals and ceremonies. This was the reason why no celebrities or any high profile person were not invited to the wedding, as said by Himani Mor’s mother in an interview with Haryana Tak.
Also Read: Where Did Neeraj Chopra And Himani Mor Get Married? Location DISCLOSED By Her Mother
Who is Himani Mor?
Himani Mor, originally from Larsauli, Haryana, completed her early education at Little Angels School in Panipat. She went on to earn a Bachelor’s degree from Miranda House, Delhi University, where she double majored in Political Science and Physical Education. Furthering her academic pursuits, Mor is currently enrolled in the Sports Management and Administration Master’s program at McCormack Isenberg School of Management, having also studied at Southeastern Louisiana University. A passionate tennis player, she has gained valuable experience in collegiate sports, serving as a part-time assistant coach at Franklin Pierce University. Currently, she contributes to Amherst College’s tennis program as a graduate assistant.
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Olympic champion and javelin star Neeraj Chopra has tied the knot with Himani Mor in an intimate ceremony. The 27-year-old athlete shared personal wedding photographs on his social media platforms, which rapidly spread across the internet, delighting his followers with the unexpected announcement.