Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday extolled the spirit of the ‘New India’, saying the manner in which the country navigated and emerged stronger from difficult times and challenges, including the Covid-19 pandemic, enhanced its standing in the eyes of the world, which has now come to regard it as ‘Vishwamitra’ (a friend of the world).
Addressing a public meeting at Kanha Shanti Vanam at Hyderabad in election-bound Telangana on Sunday, Prime Minister Modi said the country is poised to enter a new chapter of renaissance in terms of its global economic, strategic, and cultural heft and progress across spheres.
#WATCH | Medak, Telangana: PM Narendra Modi says, "This time Telangana is moving forward with only one resolution that for the first time, BJP government will be formed here… Lotus will bloom in Telangana…"#TelanganaElections2023
— ANI (@ANI) November 26, 2023
“An India, which is making rapid strides towards becoming a developed country, sees itself as a friend of the world. From the way we stood by distressed economies across the world at the time of the global coronavirus pandemic, I don’t need to tell you that the world has also come to regard us as ‘Vishwamitra’ (a friend of the world). The whole world is calling us their friend and you all are its capable and empowered cultural representatives,” PM Modi said.
He noted that prosperity doesn’t just come from wealth and resources but from upholding and demonstrating one’s cultural values.
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“You too are contributing towards building a prosperous and developed India by carrying forward our prosperous heritage and cultural identities and values. Prosperity is not only derived from wealth but also from upholding and displaying one’s cultural identity. Today, our country is poised to enter an age of renaissance in terms of our global economic, strategic, and cultural influences,” PM Modi said.
#NeverForget2611 | #WATCH | Medak, Telangana: PM Narendra Modi says," Today on 26/11, the country became the victim of a major terrorist attack. We lost many innocent countrymen in this attack. This day of 26/11 also reminds us of how much damage incompetent and weak governments…
— ANI (@ANI) November 26, 2023
Lauding the efforts of spiritual leader and author Kamlesh D. Patel towards ensuring social justice, PM Modi said, “The work done by Kamlesh ji (Kamlesh D. Patel) for humanity is quite remarkable. Our government had the privilege and honour to confer him with a Padma award. We have set a tradition where the awards are honoured to be bestowed on such recipients.”
He added that to build a developed India, the country needs to adopt four ‘Amrit Stambh’ (four pillars) — women power, youth power, manpower and the power of enterprise.
“The time has come for us to take our heritage to unprecedented heights. In this effort, Sri Ram Chandra Mission and its followers will play a huge role. For building a developed India, we need to focus on 4 pillars. I call them ‘Amrit Stambh’. These are women power, youth power, manpower and power of enterprise,” PM Modi added.
Later, at the event, PM Modi, flanked by Kamlesh D Patel, planted a sapling at Kanha Shanti Vanam.
Source: ANI