AAP MP and former Delhi Women Commission chairperson Swati Maliwal has alleged that she was assaulted at the residence of the Delhi Chief Minister. She has accused Chief Minister’s PA Bibhav Kumar of the assault and filed a complaint with Delhi Police. While a related video had already surfaced, a new video now shows security personnel escorting Swati Maliwal out of the CM’s residence.
On May 18, a CCTV video purportedly from inside the CM residence went viral on social media. The video shows security personnel holding Swati Maliwal and escorting her out. The CCTV footage captures the security personnel taking Maliwal out to the road, where she is seen arguing with them.
दिल्ली : अरविंद केजरीवाल के आवास से स्वाति मालीवाल का एक और CCTV वीडियो आया सामने #SwatiMaliwal | आम आदमी पार्टी | Kejriwal | दिल्ली पुलिस pic.twitter.com/32loHtbI5F
— News24 (@news24tvchannel) May 18, 2024
The video also shows Delhi Police personnel alongside the CM residence’s security staff. This new footage has been widely shared on social media, but its authenticity has not yet been confirmed. The Delhi Police are currently investigating the matter.
Notably, only Aam Aadmi Party leaders are now making statements against Swati Maliwal. Delhi Minister and AAP leader Saurabh Bhardwaj said, “She alleged assault on May 13, but a video from the CM residence on that date showed her sitting on the sofa and giving orders to people. She didn’t appear to be a victim in that video.”
Saurabh Bhardwaj stated that when Swati Maliwal went for medical treatment, she walked as if she had been badly beaten. He mentioned that there are CCTV cameras at the Delhi Chief Minister’s residence and that the Delhi Police will obtain the footage soon. Bhardwaj also claimed that while Maliwal might deny any contact with the BJP, he believes that a senior BJP leader is in touch with her.
Also Read: Swati Maliwal Accuses Bibhav Kumar Of Assault Inside Kejriwal’s Residence: 10 Points