Three individuals have been apprehended in Bengaluru following the circulation of a viral video depicting them trailing a car on a scooter and intimidating a woman. The distressing footage captures the woman’s alarmed pleas for assistance from law enforcement as the men persistently follow her vehicle. Reportedly occurring on the Madiwala-Koramangala road, the incident unfolded on Saturday. The terrified woman’s desperate calls to the police, along with her provided location, are audible in the recording.
A shocking incident has come to the forefront from the jurisdiction of the #Koramangala Police Station in #Bengaluru. A group of men on bikes chased two women in a car and harassed them.
Three of the accused have been identified as Tejas, Jagannath and Kannan. They have been…
— Hate Detector 🔍 (@HateDetectors) April 1, 2024
“They are following us and punching our vehicle. Are you listening?” the woman can be heard saying.
Furthermore, she provides additional information regarding her precise location and the registration number of the vehicle to the individual on the other end of the phone call.
According to police sources, the woman operating the car initially indicated a right turn but instead made a left turn, provoking the ire of the three men. Subsequently, the suspects commenced following the car.
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Shortly afterward, the three men, all on the same scooter, attempted to forcibly open the front door of the car. According to the First Information Report (FIR), the offenders trailed the car from the Madiwala underpass to Koramangala 5th block.
In her complaint, the woman asserted that she felt threatened by the actions of the three men. Recounting the harrowing experience, she described being in a state of terror as the scooter rammed into her vehicle from behind following the chase. It was during this alarming situation that she urgently dialed 112 while still behind the wheel.
Upon noticing the woman seeking assistance over the phone, the accused promptly fled the scene. Subsequently, a complaint was lodged at a nearby police station. Ongoing inquiries are being conducted to delve deeper into the incident.
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