New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday, while hearing petitions challenging the early release of convicts in the Bilkis Bano case, made a bold statement saying ” like Apple can not compare with orange, the same way genocide can not be compared with murder”.
The Apex court questioned the Gujarat government over not disclosing files related to the early release of convicts from jail.
According to information, the Gujarat government may file a review petition by 27 April over the apex court decision seeking original files related to the release of Bilkis Bano case convicts.
The constitutional bench comprising Justice KM Joseph and BV Nagarathna said government should exercise the power of remission keeping the public interest in mind.
While hearing the petition the bench said a case involving the offence of rape and mass murder can not be compared with a simple murder case. “will you compare apples and oranges?” the bench asked.
On August 15, 2022, the Gujarat government freed 11 individuals because of their ‘good behaviour’. The convicts had completed more than 15 years in jail.
The gang rape & murder incident happened during the violence that broke out after the fire of a Sabarmati Express coach on February 27, 2002, which resulted in the deaths of 59 people.
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