Lucknow: In a bizarre incident, a SUV on Wednesday rams down a minor girl while she was crossing the road. The CCTV footage of the video is doing rounds on social media depicting that the SUV which is making a right turn, hitting the minor girl, crushing her under the car, and fleeing from the spot in Lucknow.
Tragic! SUV Rams Minor Girl In Lucknow, Video Surfaces #Lucknow
— News24 English (@News24eng) April 3, 2024
The girl was crossing the road while the incident took place. Following the accident, the girl fell unconscious. The current health condition of the girl is still unknown.
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Notably, girl was not accompanied by any elder person including her family.
According to the information, the incident took place in Sector-O of Mansarovar Yojana in Lucknow. This colony comes under Sarojini Nagar police station area.
Police have launched a probe in the matter.
Meanwhile, a similar incident had also made the headline in the same city, as a speeding SUV crushed two people. The biker and cyclist had died in this. This incident happened last month. In this incident, a speeding car coming from the opposite direction crushed a bike rider and a cyclist. He lost his life in this.