Popular YouTuber Gaurav Taneja, known for his channel Flying Beast, will be appearing in the latest season of Shark Tank India. Ahead of his episode, rumours circulated about his business, Beast Life, claiming that he earns Rs. 1 crore per hour through his whey protein venture. In a recent vlog, Taneja addressed these reports, stating that while the revenue might sound substantial, it doesn’t equate to personal income. “That’s only revenue; it isn’t money in the bank or money in the pocket,” he clarified.
Startup Investments And Marketing Goals
Gaurav Taneja explained that as Beast Life is still a startup, most of the earnings are reinvested back into the business. He urged his followers to avoid believing everything seen on YouTube business channels, emphasizing the complexities of the online business world. Regarding his appearance on Shark Tank, Taneja revealed that his goal was both marketing and funding. “You can’t run a business without them,” he said, emphasizing that even the biggest global companies seek marketing.
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Conflict And Controversy On The Show
While Taneja did express some differences with investors during the show, he teased that his fans would see plenty of ‘masala’ in his episode. He further opened up about initial reservations regarding participating in the show. Both he and his wife, Ritu Rathee, were concerned about the risks involved, with Taneja admitting that his CEO feared the product might not resonate with investors.
Reflections On Past Pitch Controversies
Taneja also referenced a controversial pitch from Season 3 by Fit & Flex’s Pathik Patel, where investors Deepinder Goyal and Anupam Mittal accused him of misleading customers. Patel later claimed Sony TV had edited out critical portions of his pitch and disregarded his supporting data. Despite these challenges, Taneja decided to participate after an investor encouraged him to go ahead with the appearance.
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