West Bengal: Chief Minister Mamta Banerjee announced that all educational institutes will remain closed next week as per the severe heatwave in the state. She said that in the last few days, children have been complaining about headaches and other health issues after returning from school.
While speaking to local media she said, “I urge the private educational institutions to do the same during this period.”
She added, “I will also request people to avoid coming out in the sun from 12 pm to 4 pm.”
The education institution includes schools, colleges universities which will remain closed from Monday till Saturday next week.
The West Bengal government had previously declared that the summer holiday in state-run and aided schools will be postponed by three weeks to May 2, except in hill areas due to the extreme heat. Day temperatures in most parts have exceeded 40 degrees Celsius, and the MeT Department predicts that the heatwave will last until April 19.