Hero recently launched the new Xoom 125 at the Bharat Moility Expo, along with the bigger and better sibling the Air Xoom 160. The 125 cc variant has a price of Rs-86,900 showroom, and this would go against the like of vehicles such as the TVS NTORQ, Suzuki Avensis as well as the Dio125.
Variants and features
The Hero Xoom 125 has the same basics such as a 124.6 cc single cylinder engine which makes 9.8 bhp and a peak torque figure of 1.04 Nm. The scooter would have the same suspension setup as that of the others in the segment. The scooter would have a telescopic suspension upfront along with a monoshock at the rear. The scooter would get a 14 inch rims and a 120 section rear wheels.
Xoom 125 Vx
This would be the entry level variant and would be powered by the same 124cc engine. The scooter would be available in two main color options such as a Matte Strom Grey and a metallic Turbo Blue. Being the budget oriented version the scooter would have drum brakes on both ends along with a led indicator and a headlight. The scooter has a full laden weight of around 120 kg.
Hero Zoom 125 ZX
This would be the range topping variant that you can opt for. the scooter would cost around Rs 92,900 ex showroom. The flagship variant would get two extra colors as well, Matte Neon Lime and Inferno Red. Plus the prospective owners would have all the options of getting the colors available with the basic variant as well. This variant would have a disc brake upfront and machined alloy wheels for a better look. This version of the scooter would be a kilo heavier than the basic variant that has been revealed.
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