New Delhi: Two earbuds have been launched by Redmi simultaneously, which has been launched in Europe with Xiaomi 12T Series. Redmi Buds 4 Pro and Redmi Buds 4 have been introduced in both these buds, which support Dual Dynamic Driver and Active Noise Cancellation. Touch support has been provided in both the buds and the battery life is claimed to last up to 30 hours.
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Redmi Buds Price
In Europe, Redmi Buds 4 Pro has been launched in 2 colors Mid-Night Black and Moonlight White at a price of 99.9 Euro, which is around Rs 8,000 in Indian currency. If we talk about Redmi Buds 4, then let us tell you that it can be bought at a price of 59.9 Euro, which is about Rs 5,000 in Indian currency. Also, let us tell you that Redmi Buds 4 will be available in two colors Light Blue and Gloss White. There is no information about the availability of these buds in India.
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Specifications of Redmi Buds 4 Pro and Redmi Buds 4
Two dynamic drivers of 10mm and 6mm have been given in both the buds of Redmi. All the earbuds have three microphones. Redmi has claimed that its battery will last for 9 hours on a single charge of the Buds. For information, let us tell you that ANC support has also been given with Redmi Buds 4 Pro and let us tell you that it has been said to reduce the ambience noise up to 43dB. Also, let us tell you that there is also a Transparency Mode in it. The Redmi Buds 4 Pro also comes with Low Latency Mode and Bluetooth v5.3 and also has an IP54 rating for Water Resistant.