New Delhi: The new phone iQOO Z6 Lite 5G has been launched on Amazon. The price of the phone is only Rs 13,999. There are 3 big features of the phone, in which there is a 50MP camera which can auto focus. The second best feature is the battery is very strong. Along with this, there is also a 4 layer advanced cooling system in this phone, which does not heat up when the phone is used.
The price of this phone is Rs 15,999, but after a discount of 13% in the launching offer, it is available for Rs 13,999. There is an instant cashback of up to Rs 1,500 thousand on buying this phone from SBI card, after which you can buy it for just Rs 11,499. There is an exchange bonus of Rs 13,000 on this phone.
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What is special in this phone
- The phone supports 5G network. The phone has been launched in two colors of Blue and Black. The phone has a large full HD screen of 6.58 inches.
- The phone has a 50MP camera with auto ifocus and this feature does not make the object out of focus. Even if someone is moving while taking a photo, it auto-adjusts and the defocus picture does not come.
- The phone has a massive 5000mAh battery which can last all day. Also, it has 18W fast charging so that the phone gets charged instantly. The phone’s battery can last for 27 hours listening to music, 21.6 hours of watching something on social media and 14.5 OTT platforms and playing games for 8.3 hours.
- This phone has a 4-layered liquid cooling system which senses the heat of the phone and keeps it cool accordingly. Due to this feature the phone does not heat up.
- The phone has Snapdragon 4 Gen 1 processor and this phone supports 5G network. The phone has 64GB and 128GB of storage with 4GB of RAM.
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