Two-time Olympic champion PV Sindhu shared that she felt very emotional when she watched the footage of former Indian cricketer Vinod Kambli during his first public appearance. In December 2024, Kambli attended a memorial for legendary coach Ramakant Achrekar, where he was seen holding the hand of Sachin Tendulkar this immediately sparked concern due to his slurred speech.
Speaking to NDTV, PV Sindhu admitted that the video left her emotional and reminded her the importance of having the right people by your side. The star badminton player also mentioned about the need for planning and investing for the future.
“I did get a bit emotional. There are ups and downs in life. You need to be careful. You need to have people that guide you in life,” said Sindhu.
“I did see Vinod Kambli’s video. It is important that you manage smartly. You have to invest in a way that is also useful for you in the future. That’s why I say that you have to invest and take care of your money and not spend lavishly,” said Sindhu
“You have to invest carefully. When you are a top athlete, you get amounts from people who support you. You have to be very careful. You need to pay your taxes. It is important. If you don’t, you are in trouble. I am managed by my parents. My husband takes care of my investments. Till now, I haven’t had any financial struggles, and I am grateful for that.”