The Indian Premier League (IPL) will be starting from March 23 and it has been confirmed by BCCI Vice President Rajeev Shukla. While speaking to media on Sunday after BCCI’s general meeting Shukla revealed the IPL’s start date. Not just this another big announcement that came in was that Devajit Shukla will be replacing Jay Shah as the new secretary of BCCI and Prabhtej Singh Bhatia has been elected as BCCI treasurer.
Going further he mentioned that the meeting for deciding the squads for Champions Trophy will be between January 18-19 and the venues for Women’s Premier League will also be announced very soon.
In the recent meeting Rohit Sharma’s future as Test captain was also discussed and it was decided that Rohit Sharma will be continuing as the Test captain until a new one comes and takes over. According to a report by Dainik Jagran, Rohit Sharma told BCCI officials that: “he will remain the skipper for the next few months until the board chooses the future captain” and that whoever is picked will have his “full support.”
During the meeting, the name of Jasprit Bumrah was mentioned as a potential candidate for future leadership.