New Delhi: After the Police registered two cases related to sexual harassment against BJP MP and Wrestling Federation of India President Brij Bhushan Singh, he appeared before the media for the first time in Gonda and said that he will not resign from his post (Member of parliament) because if he does so, it means that he has accepted all the allegations.
He said resigning is not a big deal but not but he can not do it becoming a criminal.
Addressing media persons in Gonda on Saturday, BJP MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh said that the report of the inquiry committee was continuously reaching him. When they felt that no allegation was being proved in the inquiry committee, they did not wait for the report of the committee to become public and went to the Supreme Court with new allegations.
WFI chief and BJP MP Singh said, “The federation has no role in this (probe). The demands of protesters keep changing. There was a demand to resign in January. I had also said then that if I resign from the post, it means that I have accepted their allegations… Resigning is not a big deal but not by becoming a criminal.”
Brij Bhusan further said, “I have been saying from the beginning that some industrialists of the country, who have trouble with me and the Congress party, have a hand in this. Today it has been seen also.”
He raised questions about one particular Akhara and Phogat family.
Singh said I want to say why only one family and only one Akhara? Why not other Haryana players? Why not players from the states of Himachal, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Assam etc? Sexual harassment is happening with them continuously for 12 years, why doesn’t that sexual harassment happen with other players in the country?
Also Read: Wrestlers Protest Live: Priyanka reaches Jantar-Mantar to extend support to wrestlers