Haryana: In a shocking incident, Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) leader from Ambala district Harbilas Singh Rajjumajra was shot dead in Naraingarh town by armed attackers on Friday. According to police, the BSP leader was with two of his friends Puneet and Gugal inside their car when the attack took place. Both Puneet and Haridas sustained injuries after getting hit by a bullet.
They were quickly taken to Chandigarh’s PGIMER, however, Harbilas succumbed to his injuries Saturday late night. Puneet who was shot in his leg is out of danger now. However, the identities of the assailants have not yet been confirmed.
Who Was Harbilas Singh Rajjumajra?
Harbilas Singh Rajjumajra was a renowned political figure from Haryana’s Ambala district. He is the son of Surjeet Singh and contested the Naraingarh assembly elections in 2024. Besides being actively involved in local politics, he reportedly ran a banquet hall named Radhey Farm in his village and did agriculture.
Harbilas’s sudden death has sent shockwaves across the political community with many leaders mourning his untimely death. As per reports, Naraingarh SHO Lalit Kumar has already begun a thorough probe into the incident. Superintendent of Police, Ambala, S S Bhoria informed that a police team has been formed to track down the perpetrators.