In a disturbing incident in Manchiriyal district of Telangana, a Dalit youth and his friend were brutally assaulted and subjected to extreme torture. They were tied upside down with ropes in a shed, where a fire was lit beneath them.
The horrifying ordeal was captured on video, showing the victims in excruciating pain. Allegations have surfaced that both young men had stolen a goat, prompting their attackers to take matters into their own hands. The incident was reported to the police, resulting in the arrest of three suspects.
The shocking incident occurred last Friday when a resident named Ramulu from Mandamarri noticed that his goat had gone missing. Ramulu suspected that Teja, the shepherd, and his Dalit friend Chilumula Kiran were involved in the theft.
Glimpse of caste terrorism.
In Mandamarry, Telangana, 2 SC youths were tied upside down over SMOKE and thrashed on a false charge of goat theft.
Goons Komurajula Ramulu and others should be put behind bars at the
— Mission Ambedkar (@MissionAmbedkar) September 3, 2023
Ramulu lured both of them to a shed under false pretenses, where he, with the assistance of others, bound them with ropes and suspended them upside down. They were subjected to severe physical assault and exposed to a fire lit beneath them. Fortunately, they managed to escape their tormentors.
The victim’s wife has filed a complaint in this regard, resulting in a case being registered under the SC/ST Act. Police officers, including ACP Sadaiah and SSI Chandrakumar, inspected the scene of the crime on Saturday.
Three individuals, namely Ramulu, Swaroopa, and Srinivas, have been arrested and are currently in judicial custody. Ramulu and Swaroopa are a married couple, while Srinivasa is their son. All three face charges of attempted murder and committing atrocities against Dalits.