A shocking incident took place in Madhya Pradesh’s Gwalior, where a girl was shot dead by her father just few days before her wedding. As per media reports, the girl wanted to marry someone else.
The girl was 20-year old and was killed by her father just four days before her wedding. The deceased is identified as Tanu Gurjar. She opposed the marriage and water to marry someone of her choice.
The incident took place on Tuesday evening in the ‘Gola Ka Mandir’ area in Gwalior. According to media reports, the deceased, Tanu posted a video of social media, in which she accused her family of pressurizing to get married against her will.
As quoted by NDTV, Tanu mentioned in the video that, “I want to marry Vicky. My family initially agreed but later refused. They beat me daily and threaten to kill me. If something happens to me, my family will be responsible.”
After this video got viral, the SP Dharmveer Singhwent to Tanu’s house to solve the issue. The Panchayat was also trying to resolve the issue. In between this father of the girl, Mahesh shot her.
Later father and cousin of the girl put their weapon towards police. However, Mahesh was later arrested by the police. Police have seized the murder weapon.