Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections 2024, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Tuesday announced the name of two candidates who will be contesting polls from Punjab. The party fields Dr Raj Kumar Chabewal from Hosiyarpur, while Malvinder Singh Kang will contest from Anandpur Sahib constituency.
Punjab is ready for 13-0 🔥
Here is our second list of candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections 2024 in Punjab. pic.twitter.com/1wn8JYyNTQ
— AAP (@AamAadmiParty) April 2, 2024
Notably, this is the second list released by the AAP for the Punjab. After this major announcement, the total names of the candidates reveled from Punjab stands at 10.
Dr Raj Kumar Chabewal is a two-time MLA from Chabbewal constituency. He won his first election to the Punjab Legislative Assembly from Chabbewal in 2017. In 2022, he secured re-election from the same constituency. On April 10, 2022, he was appointed as the deputy CLP leader of the Punjab Legislative Assembly. However, on March 16, he resigned and joined the AAP.
While announcing the second list on microblogging platform – X (formerly twitter), AAP has expressed confidence of winning all LS seats of Punjab in upcoming elections.
Meanwhile, AAP unveiled its first list of candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in Punjab on March 14, comprising eight nominees, most of whom are sitting MLAs and ministers of Punjab.
Following the Delhi model, AAP has predominantly fielded its MLAs in Punjab, where it is contesting solo without any alliance with the opposition’s INDIA bloc.
Also read: Lok Sabha 2024: ‘Modi Mauj Karne Ke Liye Nahi…’, PM In Rajasthan
Notable figures among the candidates include current ministers Kuldeep Singh Dhaliwal from Amritsar, Laljit Singh Bhullar from Khadur Sahib, Gurmeet Singh Khudia from Bathinda, Gurmeet Singh Meet Hayer from Sangrur, and Dr. Balbir Singh from Patiala.
Punjab holds 13 Lok Sabha seats, with AAP securing one seat in the last elections when Bhagwant Mann emerged victorious from Sangrur.
However, after AAP’s victory in the 2022 assembly elections, Bhagwant Mann assumed the role of Chief Minister and resigned from the Lok Sabha. In the 2019 Lok Sabha polls, the UPA won 8 seats while the NDA secured 4 seats in Punjab.