Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu on Saturday made a big announcement for women of Spiti Valley. Speaking at a program in Kaza on Himachal Day, the CM announced that the women of Spiti would be given a lifetime pension of Rs 1500.
CM Sukhu also announced to increase in the dearness allowance (DA) of state government employees by 3 per cent. This DA will be payable from 1 January 2022. At the same time, women will be given lifelong pensions from May 1. About 2.15 lakh government employees and 1.90 lakh pensioners of the state will get benefits.
Speaking at the event, he also announced to upgrade of Kaza Hospital to 50 beds and a college for Spiti Valley.
While addressing the people attending the programme, the CM announced the construction of an airstrip at Rangrik. The CM directed to speed up the construction of Mud-Bhava road. At the event, Karnail Rana and ASI Rani of Himachal Police were awarded Himachal Gaurav Puraskar and Padma Shri Nek Ram Sharma, Prem Singh Chauhan, Nem Chand Thakur, Lakesh Chandel, Capt AJ Singh Prerna Srot Awards for their excellent work in the programme.
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