Delhi: An Incident of firing on a car showroom in Tilak Nagar has been reported on Monday night. The visuals show pieces of broken glass and spent bullet casings marked by the Delhi police. The injured have been rushed to the hospital and are undergoing treatment.
#WATCH | Delhi: An incident of firing has been reported in a car showroom in the Tilak Nagar area. Multiple shots were fired. Some people have sustained injuries due to the broken glass and are undergoing treatment. Further details awaited: Delhi Police
— ANI (@ANI) May 6, 2024
Police arrived at the spot upon receiving the information but the investigation hasn’t reached anywhere yet.
As per sources, multiple shots were fired at a car showroom named Fusion Cars in Ganesh Nagar, Tilak Nagar area. A customer and a bank staff were hit by bullets in this disturbing incident and are undergoing treatment.
According to the initial reports, three assailants arrived on a motorcycle and handed over a piece of note to a driver of the showroom demanding extortion soon after which the area was blown as they fired multiple shots at the showroom that consequently broke the glass and injured a few including two who sustained bullet injuries.
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The police are still investigating the probe and have assured of taking appropriate action against the assailants.