New Delhi: Recently, Samantha and Varun Dhawan, who will appear in the Indian spin-off to Citadel, went to the web series launch of Prime Video in London. The Family Man 2 actress chatted with the media about playing the action-packed part in the spy thriller when she was there. Her accent, though, is what has Twitter’s attention.
Netizens call Samantha ‘fake’
Following her attendance at the Citadel premiere of the Russo Brothers series, Samantha turned attention in a black ensemble. Online, a clip of Samantha discussing her participation in Citadel with the media has surfaced. Her accent, nevertheless, has drawn conflicting reactions from online users.
Varun Dhawan and Samantha can be seen in the video discussing Samantha’s excitement to be a part of such a vast universe and her role in the Indian adaptation of Citadel. But internet users believed the diva was lying about her accent.
Warra Fake Accent 🤡🤡🤡
— 🐋 (@Bhaag_Saale) April 23, 2023
A user wrote, “What’s with these Indian actors? When they travel to the US, why does a different accent kick in?”
The celebrities have experienced internet troll attacks before because of their accent. Earlier, RRR star Jr. NTR, who attended the prestigious award ceremony, made fun of the actor for having a Western accent at the Golden Globes.
After giving a speech to international media, Jr. NTR became the center of attention for the 2023 Golden Globes. The RRR actor talked about receiving an Oscar nomination while addressing the media at the prestigious award ceremony.