Tiger 3: Pathaan, Aditya Chopra’s all-time blockbuster, brought Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan together on the big screen. This move also marked the beginning of the now-fabled YRF Spy Universe, with two super-spies, SRK as Pathaan and Salman as Tiger, crossing paths and demonstrating to the world that these brutal mercenaries can also be great friends in the spy universe’s timeline.
The union of two of the biggest megastars in Indian cinema history created mass hysteria for Pathaan, as audiences adored their on-screen swagger and camaraderie and showered them with lavish love. Now, Shah Rukh Khan is set to join the Tiger franchise in an action sequence that will be shot for 7 days in Mumbai around the end of April! What’s insane is that Aditya Chopra and Tiger 3 director Maneesh Sharma planned this sequence for over six months in order for it to become a national talking point!
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“When Shah Rukh Khan and Salman’s sequence was planned for Pathaan, the makers realised that such cross-overs of super-spies will need to go a notch higher every single time it happens because that’s the biggest USP for audiences. So, the writer, Adi and Maneesh went into a huddle and took six months to write and visualise Pathaan’s entry in Tiger’s timeline! Every detail of this shoot has been planned keeping in mind that it needs to deliver full on paisa vasool entertainment that is also a spectacle for audiences,” informs a senior trade source.