New Delhi: Bollywood star Tapsee Pannu was recently spotted on the streets of Mumbai and she got upset at the paparazzi after they asked her to speak about late comedian Raju Srivastava. The video has been shared by a paparazzo account ‘ViralBhayani’ on Instagram. In the clip, Tapsee said, “Kya bolun (What should I say)?”
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In the video, several people were blocking her path and someone from the crowd, who was standing near Taapsee asked about Raju’s death. She said, “Aare bhai sahab, aap ek minute, aap ek minute. (jordan-anwar) Aap hatiye, aap aese mat kariye, thoda hatiye, thoda hatiye, piche hatiye.” Then she quickly walked away and said, ”ThankYou.”
Fans Reaction
Reacting to the video a person commented, “Stop hounding her like this, you guys are going over the board now.” Another person said, “Stop hounding her, poor thing.” A comment also read, “She is becoming arrogant now.” An Instgaram user called Taapsee “Kangana (Ranaut) 2.0.”
Work Front
Taapsee Pannu’s film ‘Dobaara’, directed by filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, has been released. This film could not do anything special at the box office. Although the fans had high hopes for this movie, Taapsee’s film dragged behind in terms of earning at the box office. Apart from this, films like ‘Jana Gana Mana’, ‘Alien’, ‘Blur’ and ‘Woh Ladki Hai Kahaan’ are included in the list of Taapsee’s upcoming films.
Also Read :- Raju Srivastava’s mortal remains handed over to family, cremation to take place tomorrow
Raju Srivastava’s death
The comedy legend Raju Srivastava took his last breath on September 21, 2022 at AIIMS Hospital. He was admitted to the hospital for over 40 days due to a heart attack.