Actress Shraddha Arya, celebrated for her role in Kundali Bhagya, recently embraced motherhood and shared the first photo of herself with her newborn baby on Instagram. The picture, where the actress lovingly cradles her child, has melted hearts online, with fans flooding social media with congratulatory messages. Although the baby’s face was not revealed, Shraddha’s radiant smile captured the joy of her new journey as a mother.
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Shraddha welcomed twin babies, a boy and a girl, on November 29, and fans have been eagerly awaiting updates. On December 2, the actress posted a video showing her hospital room adorned with pink and blue balloons, confirming the birth of her twins. The pink balloons read “It’s a girl,” while the blue ones declared “It’s a boy.” Shraddha expressed her gratitude and happiness in the caption: “Two little bundles of joy have made our family complete. Our Hearts Are Doubly Full! #TwinBlessings #ABoyandAGirl #BestOfBothTheWorlds.”
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The Instagram post, which includes the special date 29.11.24, has sparked excitement among her followers. The actress, who tied the knot with Indian Navy officer Rahul Nagal in November 2021, announced her pregnancy in September 2024 after much speculation. Throughout her pregnancy journey, Shraddha delighted fans with occasional updates and glimpses into her life.
Known for her portrayal of Preeta in Kundali Bhagya, latest post of Shraddha Arya is a heartwarming addition to her journey as a mother, leaving fans excited for more updates about her twins.