New Delhi: Bollywood actor Manoj Bajpayee’s mother Geeta Devi passed away on Thursday, that December 8. She was 80 years old and was admitted to Max Pushpanjali Hospital in Delhi due to age-related ailments.
“Manoj Bajpayee’s mother Geeta Devi passed away today at 8:30 am. She wasn’t keeping well for the past 20 days and was undergoing treatment at Max Super Speciality Hospital,” the statement from the spokesperson read.
According to reports, his mother’s health was showing improvement for the last few days. But her health deteriorated last night and she breathed her last this morning. Manoj Bajpayee has always described his mother as his pillar of strength.
Geeta Devi has three sons and three daughters. Let me tell you, Manoj Bajpayee had lost his father only in October last year. After enduring a protracted period of critical illness, Manoj’s father passed away in Delhi at the age of 83. Manoj hurried to Delhi for the funeral when he was filming a movie in Kerala at the time.
The web series The Family Man season 2, Ray, Dial 100, and Silence… Can You Hear It? are among Manoj Bajpayee’s most recent works. Gali Guleiyan, his 2017 movie, which had its world premieres at the Busan International Film Festival, MAMI Film Festival, Chicago International Film Festival, and Cleveland International Film Festival, was just published on an OTT platform this year and received rave reviews.