New Delhi: Actor Mammootty, who turned 71 on Wednesday, is being showered with a whole lot love on social media on his birthday. The actor, who is affectionately referred to by his fans as Mammokka, has been a part of over 400 films. He has acted in six different languages on screen: Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, English, and Kannada. His son Dulquer Salamaan, who is also a prominent actor, has penned a heartfelt birthday wish for the actor.
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Dulquer Salmaan took to Instagram on Wednesday to wish Mammootty on his birthday. Sharing a few candid clicks with his father, he wrote, “As long as I can remember I’ve always been aware of your time. I’ve always measured it and made sure I get the most out of it. Most often I’ll call only when I feel it’s something important and worth your time. I never say Pa let’s take a photo or a selfie cause I’m aware that everywhere you go this is a constant request. It’s silly on my part but I’ve always been an over thinker. It’s the one thing Umma scolds me about always.
Every year, your birthday is the day I stop overthinking and blatantly insist and say we need pictures together. This year as you were getting ready for our picture together I decided to sneak a pic and Shani captured that moment.
These are the moments I live for. Just us at home and being us. Even though we are most often in different cities shooting our films, when I come home I feel like time has stood still. And I’m still just a boy cherishing the time he gets when his father has a day off from work.
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Wishing you the happiest birthday Pa. You are our everything.”
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