After her high-profile breakup with actor Arjun Kapoor, Malaika Arora seems to have moved on, finding love once again. The actress and fashionista, known for her impeccable style and glamorous presence, has been spotted spending time with a new man in her life. The man in question is none other than fashion stylist Rahul Vijay, who has captured Malaika’s attention. Their growing closeness has sparked a wave of dating rumors, leaving fans curious about this new chapter in her life.
The actress was recently seen at the AP Dhillon concert where she not only by joined Dhillon on stage but also by sharing a selfie with Rahul after the event, which is now the talk to the town. Malaika took to her Instagram Stories to repost a photo of herself and Rahul, where they were cozied up while posing together. She captioned the photo with the song ‘With You.’ The image was originally shared by Rahul himself.
Malaika’s Life After Arjun Kapoor
Malaika and Arjun Kapoor’s relationship had always been under the public’s scrutiny, and their breakup earlier this year created a stir among fans. However, Malaika has shown strength and resilience, focusing on her career and personal growth. Now, with Rahul by her side, she appears to be embracing a fresh start. Many believe that this new romance could be the beginning of a beautiful chapter for the actress, who deserves happiness after a tumultuous year.
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Fans Are Excited For The New Couple
The speculation around Malaika and Rahul’s relationship has created a buzz. Fans are excited to see the actress find love again and are eager to know more about Rahul. While they are still waiting for an official confirmation, the duo’s appearances together speak volumes, and fans are already rooting for them to make it official.