New Delhi: Prime Video today announced the global premiere of its first Indian Amazon Original Movie Maja Ma featruing Madhuri Dixit and Gajraj Rao in the lead. Produced by Leo Media Collective and Amritpal Singh Bindra; directed by Anand Tiwari and written by Sumit Batheja, Maja Ma is a family entertainer, set against the celebratory backdrop of a traditional festival and a quintessential, colorful Indian wedding. Warm and funny, this light-hearted yet thought-provoking drama with unexpected twists and turns, also features Ritwik Bhowmik, Barkha Singh, Srishti Shrivastava, Rajit Kapur, Sheeba Chaddha, Simone Singh, Malhar Thakar and Ninad Kamat. Prime members in India and more than 240 countries and territories can stream this highly-awaited Hindi Amazon Original movie from October 6.
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the dancing diva is back and how! blessing your screens to do away with your mid-week blues – now we're feeling Maja Ma 😉
---Advertisement---watch #MajaMaOnPrime, Oct 6@MadhuriDixit @raogajraj @ritwikbhowmikk @BarkhaSingh0308 #SrishtiSrivastava #RajitKapur #SheebaChaddha #SimoneSingh
— prime video IN (@PrimeVideoIN) September 14, 2022
Maja Ma is the first of many from Prime Video India’s Original movies production slate, bringing compelling, authentic, and rooted stories that not just connect with audiences in India but resonate with viewers across the world.
“We are extremely thrilled to bring our first Indian Amazon Original Movie for our diverse customers. Foraying into our own Original movie production here in India was a natural progression as we believe it opens up another avenue for us to super serve our customers with immersive entertainment that delights and engages them”, said Aparna Purohit, head of India Originals, Prime Video. “Maja Ma is the first of many Original Movies, that will launch directly on our service. This movie is also special for us as it showcases a female protagonist and her strength of conviction, beautifully portrayed on screen by the Bollywood icon, Madhuri Dixit.”
She further added, “Along with a powerful storyline, the movie features beautifully composed music which is intricately woven into the story. It has been a pleasure collaborating with Anand Tiwari and Amritpal Singh Bindra once again and we are sure Maja Ma will resonate with our viewers across the globe.”
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“I truly believe that the audience today is looking for content that is fresh, varied, and modernistic in its approach, yet keeps the humble storytelling at heart. Audiences are open to new genres and new experiences and Maja Ma does all that and more”, said Anand Tiwari, Director, Maja Ma. “Pulling at the viewers’ heartstrings while also making them laugh at the same time this beautiful story features a highly versatile cast who breathe life into their characters flawlessly and beautifully. I am delighted to have Maja Ma premiere on Prime Video. It is truly fulfilling to witness Indian content reach worldwide audiences.”
“This is my second project with Prime Video after the success of Bandish Bandits and I am thrilled to premiere Maja Ma on the service”, added Amritpal Singh Bindra, Producer, Maja Ma. “The movie is a labour of love for all of us, from the wonderfully talented cast to the hardworking crew, each of whom have put in their best to bring this amazing movie to the audience. The result is a story with intricate storytelling, interspersed with human emotions and several life lessons that continue to be with the audiences long after they have finished watching the movie. I cannot wait to see the reactions to this beautifully crafted story from viewers within as well outside the country.”
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