New Delhi: Kareena Kapoor Khan along with her son Jeh is all prepped up for the Ganapati puja. Taking to her Instagram handle, Kareena shares pictures from her house. In the pictures, the actress is seen prepping up for the ‘puja’. Her son Jehangir sits on her lap in the first picture, while in the second he is seen doing his little mischiefs.
Kareena is seen donning a printed Kaftan with a black shade on her head. As for her makeup, she kept it minimal.
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Sharing the pictures, the Laal Singh Chaddha actress captioned them with emojis. Taking to the comment section, her sister-in-law Saba Ali Khan Pataudi commented, “Happy #ganeshchaturthi bhabs ❤️ and to the family. Jehs mischief expression in the family pic is Adorable! Love it! Mahsha’Allah….”
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Meanwhile, in another interview with ETimes Kareena said Taimur often asks her why the paparazzi keep clicking his photos all the time. “He tells me that you and abba are famous but why do they like taking my pictures? Because I am not famous. And I told him that yes you’re not famous, you are no one; so he is still figuring that why they’re taking his pictures. Of course, he gets a little rattled, he’s just five and a half and he’s been constantly clicked but we’ve also been open about it because I can’t go and stop it,” Kareena said.
On the work front, Kareena will make her digital debut with Sujoy Ghosh’s adaptation of The Devotion of Suspect X. Kareena will also be making her debut as a producer with a Hansal Mehta project.