Rituraj Singh: This morning brought heartbreaking news to the nation, with the television industry mourning the loss of one of its beloved actors, Rituraj Singh. Renowned for his roles in shows like Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, Laado 2 – Veerpur Ki Mardani, Anupamaa, Beintehaa, and more, Rituraj Singh, aged 59, reportedly passed away due to a cardiac arrest.
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Rest In peace🙏🕊️#Anupama #RiturajSingh pic.twitter.com/yPzTgZcPS2
— Rups_mylifeline(Aarti) (@Aarti_rups) February 20, 2024
Rituraj Singh Death – Close Friend Confirms
Amit Behl, a close friend of Rituraj Singh, confirmed the heartbreaking news and conveyed his sorrow over the loss. He revealed that the actor, after receiving treatment for pancreas-related issues, returned home but faced complications leading to a fatal cardiac arrest.
The void left by Rituraj Singh’s departure will be felt deeply in the entertainment world, and his legacy as a talented actor will undoubtedly be remembered by fans and colleagues alike.
TV actor Rituraj Singh passed today of Cardiac Arrest. Many would remember him from popular tv shows Tol Mol ke Bol, Banegi Apni Baat or Laado. He was 59. pic.twitter.com/GxLBtSmynt
— Sonal Kalra 🇮🇳 (@sonalkalra) February 20, 2024
Unexpected Demise: Pancreatic Issues and Cardiac Arrest
The actor had been battling health issues related to his pancreas, and recently, he was hospitalized for treatment. Unfortunately, Rituraj Singh’s journey came to an untimely end as he suffered a fatal cardiac arrest.
Rituraj Singh Notable Roles
Rituraj Singh had left an indelible mark in the television industry with his versatile acting skills showcased in various roles over the years. His performances in well-loved shows had endeared him to a wide audience.
Grief and Condolences: Fans and Industry React
The sudden demise of Rituraj Singh has left fans and the industry in shock. Netizens and close acquaintances have taken to social media to express their grief and share condolences with the actor’s family.
Very sad and shocking, grew up watching him and recently saw him in Indian Police Force, RIP #RiturajSingh 🙏🏼 pic.twitter.com/QE5d7QQ3tX
— CricNPic (@CricNPic) February 20, 2024
Rituraj Singh Personal Life
Born as Rituraj Singh Chandrawat Sisodia in Kota, Rajasthan, he belonged to a Sisodia Rajput family. Despite his roots in Rajasthan, Singh spent a significant part of his early life away from his home state. His schooling took place in Delhi. At a young age, he relocated to the United States, only to return to India when he was 12. In 1993, Singh made Mumbai his new home and has been settled there since.