New Delhi: Actor Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha are all set to tie a knot this October. Meanwhile, the wedding invites of the duo have surfaced on the internet and it is quite unique. The couple ditched the usual wedding cards for their upcoming nuptials. They chose something unconventional, funky, and quirky.
The invite is shaped like a matchbox and has a distinct 90s feel. The actor duo got a friend to design their wedding invite. The design has Ali and Richa’s faces custom-sketched into a kitschy pop art design.
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Have a look at the wedding invite
Earlier, it was revealed that the Fukrey stars will hold their wedding reception in Mumbai and Delhi. Right after exchanging wedding vows, the couple will be heading for their Delhi reception. Soon after the event in Delhi, they will leave for the Mumbai reception which is expected to be a star-studded night. Reports suggest that Delhi’s reception will be held in a 110-year-old club. This club is unique in more ways than one as one has to wait for about 37 years to get the membership of this iconic landmark.
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The couple will begin their three-day pre-wedding celebrations in September-end.
Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha met on the sets of 2012 film Fukrey. Recently, the couple have graced a wedding-centric magazine cover and candidly opened up about their love story. The couple revealed that they indeed met on the film set of Fukrey but Richa Chaddha found him quite odd initially. Later, Ali Fazal said that he once contacted Richa and asked if he might drop by for a coffee because he was close to her house. Richa immediately said yes, but Ali had lied to her about this. He hurriedly got in his car and headed to the actress’ home as soon as she replied “yes.”