TNEA Counseling 2022 Schedule: The directorate of Technical Education, Chennai has released the TNEA Counseling Schedule for all categories. Candidates can now check the counselling schedule for all categories on the official website of TNEA –
The special reservation counselling registration will start on August 20, 2022, and the provisional allotment list will be released on August 21, 2022. The general special reservation counselling registration will start on 21st August and the provisional allotment list will be released on 24th August 2022.
General and Government School Studies counselling will be conducted in four rounds. For Round 1, the registration for ranks 1 to 14,524 will start on August 25 and the provisional allotment list will be released on September 9, 2022.
Vocational General Counseling Schedule
Special Reservation Counseling Schedule
Round 2 registration will start on September 9 and the provisional allotment list will be released on September 23, 2022. Round 3 registration will start on 23rd September and the provisional list will be released on 9th October 2022 and Round 4 registration will be released on 9th October and the provisional list will be released on 23rd October 2022.
Vocational counselling for those who have studied in Vocational General and Government School will be conducted in a single round. The registration will start on August 25 and the provisional allotment list will be available on September 9, 2022.