RBSE 12th Arts and Senior Upadhyay Result 2023: Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) announced the result of the 12th Arts stream today. Students who want to check their results can visit the official websites – rajresults.nic.in and rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in
Enter their login details such as name, roll number, date of birth and email ID. The result is released by the Education Minister BD Kalla.
RBSE 12th Arts Result 2023: A total of 92.35 per cent of students passed
A total of 92.35 per cent of students have passed this year. Whereas the pass percentage of boys is 90.65% and that of girls is 94.06%.
राजस्थान बोर्ड :-12वीं बोर्ड परीक्षा 2023, कल जारी होगा 12वीं आर्ट्स का परिणाम, शिक्षा मंत्री बीडी कल्ला जयपुर से जारी कर सकते है ll @Rajasthanboard#RajasthanBoardResult ll #Rajasthanboard
— Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan Ajmer (@Rajasthanboard) May 24, 2023
Results of the senior Upadhyay exam released
Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan has released the result of the 12th Arts as well as Senior Upadhyay examination today. According to the result released by the Rajasthan Education Board, the overall result of the Senior Upadhyay Examination was 84.61 per cent. On the other hand, the girl students performed better in this examination and kept their percentage of success at 88.60 as compared to the boys. If talk about the percentage of success of the students, then it was 80.23 per cent.
What is Senior Upadhyay whose result was released with 12th Arts?
Senior Upadhyaya exam is equivalent to the 12th. It is conducted in Sanskrit subject. Senior Upadhyaya exam is considered to be of special importance. In this, the student studies the modern subjects of the Arts stream. The students can decide which subject they have to study in future after the result is out.
RBSE 12th Arts and Senior Upadhyay Result 2023: How to check?
- Visit the RBSE official website – rajresults.nic.in and rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in
- On the homepage, click on the link for Senior Secondary (Arts) – 2023 Result.
- Enter the login credentials and submit.
- The RBSE Class 12th Result 2023 for Arts Stream will be released on the screen.
- Download RBSE 12th Arts Result 2023 and take a printout of the same for further use.
RBSE 12th Science and Commerce results released
The Rajasthan Board announced the RBSE Class 12th Result 2023 for Science and Commerce streams last week on May 18, 2023. The overall pass percentage of RBSE Class 12 Science result was 95.65% where girls outperformed boys with a pass percentage of 97.39% compared to boys with an overall pass percentage of 94.72%.