A viral video circulating on social media shows another case of ADAS misuse in India. In the video a Kia Seltos driver abusing the this feature was seen jumping on the back seat of the car as car drives itself. The car was seen running on a highway in the video. However, this is unclear that the said video is of which location. Let’s understand what is this feature and how to better use this advance feature.
Technology Ka Galat Istemaal!
Another case of ADAS misuse spotted in India! How do you think Indian car makers can stop this from happening? Auto cut-off ADAS features (when driver gets up) could be one!
Video Source – @mechnotechs pic.twitter.com/wZLpisbz6h---Advertisement---— MotorOctane (@MotorOctane) October 7, 2024
What Is ADAS?
ADAS stands for Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems. It is used in vehicles to enhance safety, comfort, and convenience by automating certain driving tasks. This system use sensors, cameras, radar, and lidar to detect and respond to the environment around the vehicle. For example lane change, adaptive cruise in cars.
How To Better Use This Feature?
The Vehicle ADAS System comprises various electronic technologies. The system is designed to assist drivers. By providing real-time feedback and automation, this feature helps in preventing accidents. The features of ADAS also avoids collision avoidance. The system alerts drivers of potential collisions with other vehicles, pedestrians, or obstacles. ADAS also features lane departure warning systems which notify drivers when they are unintentionally go off their lane. Another feature of ADAS is adaptive cruise control maintains a safe distance from the vehicle ahead.
ADAS can translate into a lot of benefits, if used with a right motive. It can translate into an improved safety as ADAS systems significantly reduce the risk of accidents by providing real-time alerts and automatic interventions. Features like collision avoidance, lane departure warning, and blind spot detection ensure that drivers are constantly aware of their surroundings and can take timely actions to prevent accidents.
By reducing the number of accidents, fleets can save on repair costs, insurance premiums, and downtime. Additionally, a safer fleet improves the company’s reputation and increases driver confidence. ADAS systems also play a crucial role in enhancing driver behavior by monitoring driving patterns and providing instant feedback.
This feature also increases fuel efficiency as it helps in optimizing fuel consumption by promoting efficient driving practices. This system might also help in reducing maintenance costs by preventing accidents and promoting better driving habits. Additionally, some ADAS features, like tire pressure monitoring, can provide alerts for maintenance issues before they become major problems.
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