Prashant Mishra

Treating Glaucoma With Yoga: A Holistic Approach

Introduction to Glaucoma

- Overview of Glaucoma - Statistics and impact on vision

Conventional Treatments for Glaucoma

- Eye drops, surgery, and other medical treatments - Importance of early diagnosis and treatment

Introduction to Yoga as a Complementary Treatment

- Benefits of yoga for overall health - Potential benefits for glaucoma management

Stress Reduction and Intraocular Pressure

- How stress impacts intraocular pressure - Yoga's role in stress reduction

Yoga Poses for Glaucoma Management

- Palming, gentle neck stretches, and eye exercises - Matsyasana (Fish Pose) and Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Diet and Lifestyle Tips for Glaucoma

- Importance of a healthy diet rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids - Hydration and its role in maintaining intraocular pressure

Consultation and Safety Considerations

- Importance of consulting with an ophthalmologist - Safety tips for practicing yoga with glaucoma

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