Top Yoga Poses for Muscle Building


Stretch and fortify arms, shoulders, and legs while engaging core muscles for a comprehensive workout.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Elevate upper body strength by targeting arms, chest, and core muscles, fostering a sturdy and toned physique.

Chaturanga Dandasana

Activate leg muscles and core with Chair Pose, bolstering strength in thighs, glutes, and lower back for enhanced lower body power.


Improve balance and fortify legs, core, and glutes with Half Moon Pose, which also nurtures spine flexibility and posture.

Ardha Chandrasana

Open the chest and strengthen back, glutes, and hamstrings with Bridge Pose, easing spinal tension and promoting better posture.

Sethu Bandhasana

Strengthen core and hip flexors while toning abdomen and legs, enhancing balance, and sharpening focus.


 Relieve lower back tension and fortify spine with gentle yet effective Crocodile Pose, fostering muscle growth and relaxation.
