Prashant Mishra

Top Most Influential Scientists Of The 21st Century

Stephen Hawking: Theoretical Physicist and Cosmologist

Advanced our understanding of black holes and the Big Bang theory.

Tu Youyou: Pharmacologist

Discovered artemisinin, a groundbreaking treatment for malaria.

 Jennifer Doudna: Biochemist

 Pioneered a new era in genetic engineering, with applications in medicine, agriculture, and beyond.

Tim Berners-Lee: Computer Scientist

Invented the World Wide Web, transforming global communication and information sharing.

Svante Pääbo: Geneticist

Pioneered the field of paleogenetics, sequencing the Neanderthal genome.

Frances Arnold: Chemical Engineer

Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2018) for revolutionizing biocatalysis, impacting pharmaceuticals, and biofuels.

 George Church: Geneticist

Key figure in the Human Genome Project and pioneer in the field of gene editing and personalized medicine.

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