Janvi Singh

Tips For New Drivers To Follow For Being Safe

Buckle Up

lways wear your seatbelt, and ensure all passengers do the same. Seatbelts are crucial for your safety in case of an accident.

Follow Speed Limits

 Stick to the speed limits posted on the road signs. Speeding is a major cause of accidents, so it's important to drive at a safe and legal speed.

Avoid Distractions

 Keep your focus on the road. Avoid using your phone, eating, or any other distractions while driving

Maintain Safe Following Distance

 Keep a safe distance between your car and the vehicle in front of you. 

Use Turn Signals

 Always use your turn signals to indicate your intentions to other drivers.  

Regular Maintenance

 Ensure your car is well-maintained with regular check-ups. This includes checking tire pressure, brakes, lights, and fluid levels. 

Practice Defensive Driving

Be aware of your surroundings, anticipate potential hazards, and be prepared to react to other drivers' actions