Prashant Mishra

The Surprising Health Risks Of Mixing Mineral Water With Whisky

Chemical Reactions

- Explanation of the chemical reactions that occur when mineral water is mixed with whisky - Formation of harmful compounds like Bisphenol A (BPA) and its analogues

Bisphenol A (BPA)

- Detailed information on BPA, a harmful chemical found in plastics - How BPA can be released into the drink when mixed with alcohol

Health Risks

 - Increased exposure to BPA and its analogues  - Possible hormonal disruptions  - Long-term health implications

Effects on the Body

 - Increased risk of cardiovascular diseases  - Hormonal imbalances  - Reproductive issues

 Expert Warnings

- Quotes from experts warning against mixing mineral water with whisky - Recommendations to avoid potential health risks


 - Drinking whisky neat or with ice  - Using distilled water if dilution is desired

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