Prashant Mishra

The Most Mysterious Books Ever Written

The Voynich Manuscript

Written in an unknown script and filled with strange illustrations, it has baffled scholars for centuries.

The Codex Seraphinianus

The Codex Seraphinianus - An encyclopedia of an imaginary world, with an indecipherable script and surreal artwork by Luigi Serafini.

The Rohonc Codex

This mysterious book, written in an unknown language and script, is believed to contain religious texts and illustrations.

The Book of Soyga

 A 16th-century text filled with cryptographic tables and magical rituals, studied by John Dee, a famous mathematician and occultist.

The Ripley Scrolls

These alchemical manuscripts illustrate the philosopher's stone's creation, full of symbolic and mystical images.

The Popol Vuh

Known as the Mayan Bible, this sacred book contains mythological and historical narratives, written in a hieroglyphic script.

The Codex Gigas

Also known as the Devil’s Bible, this massive medieval manuscript contains a mix of texts, including the Bible and historical records, and is famed for its large illustration of the Devil.

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