Prashant Mishra

The Most Extreme Sports And Their Daredevils

Wingsuit Flying

Daredevil: Jeb Corliss   A pioneer in wingsuit flying, Jeb Corliss has completed numerous high-profile jumps, including the iconic “Flying Dagger” through a narrow cave.

Big Wave Surfing

Daredevil: Laird Hamilton   Known for riding some of the biggest waves ever surfed, Laird Hamilton is a legend in the big wave surfing community.

BASE Jumping

Daredevil: Felix Baumgartner   Felix gained worldwide fame for his record-breaking freefall from the stratosphere, but his BASE jumping feats are equally impressive.

Freestyle Motocross (FMX)

Daredevil: Travis Pastrana   Travis is renowned for his incredible stunts, including the first-ever double backflip in competition.

Cliff Diving

Daredevil: Orlando Duque   With multiple world titles, Orlando Duque is a master of this breathtaking sport, diving from heights of over 85 feet.

Ice Climbing

Daredevil: Will Gadd   An ice climbing legend, Will Gadd has set numerous records and pioneered new routes in some of the world's most challenging ice formations.


Daredevil: David Belle   Considered the founder of parkour, David Belle has inspired countless practitioners with his fluid and daring movements.

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