Prashant Mishra

The Billionaire Myth: Not All Billionaires Use iPhones

Surprise! Not All Billionaires Use iPhones

We often think that all billionaires use iPhones, but that's not the case. Some of the world's richest people prefer other brands and models for various reasons, ranging from personal preferences to business affiliations and security concerns. 

Bill Gates

Device: Android Reason: Prefers the flexibility and compatibility of the Android ecosystem.

Mark Zuckerberg

Device: Samsung Galaxy Reason: Uses a customized version of Android for enhanced security.

Elon Musk

Device: Multiple brands Reason: Chooses different brands based on functionality and innovation.

Larry Page

Device: Google Pixel Reason: Supports Google's flagship smartphone due to his ties with the company.

Sergey Brin

Device: Google Pixel Reason: As a Google co-founder, naturally uses their products.

Jeff Bezos

Device: Multiple Android devices Reason: Prefers variety and the ability to test various tech for potential integration with Amazon services.

 Warren Buffett

Device: Flip phone Reason: Prefers simplicity and functionality over advanced smartphone features.

Jack Dorsey

Device: Multiple Android devices Reason: Advocates for open-source technology and enjoys the customization options Android provides.